GO TO MOUNTAIN By Shih Ru Bin 释如斌《山之旅》
By Shih Ru Bin
Translated by "Laoha" Mario Li
As a poet says,
“Go to the mountain if it does not come to you.”
Somehow, cool can be found even in the hot summer.
The breezy mountain air whispering with bees,
The refreshing mist, and the green immersing in my eyes.
On the forest path, there are forefathers’ youth and sweats,
I climb slowly on the stone steps imagining the tall cypress
Or the leisure when having tea by an ancient stone bridge,
Away from deduction or induction, being or existence,
In this half day of a life, staying only with clouds and daylight.
Drop wisdom. Dump cleverness. Abandon tactics and be natural.
The Zen is everywhere and life is everlasting.
On retrospect, I am happily looking at my youth.
The only wish I have is to go back to be a baby.
*Shih Ru Bin, a Buddhist poetess, pen name "zenyueh", born in 1964, curently living in a convent in Taiwan.
「如果山不来 就走向山」
山岚氤氲 与群峰喁喁私语
沁心的雾气 浸润我眼中的绿
我小小的步履呵 蹬著石阶
想像庭前柏子树 或赵州吃茶的闲情
说什么演绎归纳 说什么存有实在
偷得浮生半日 与云影天光相会
绝圣弃智 抛开遍计依他起
禅机处处 生机不断
回首前尘 我与年少欣欣相望
唯愿 复归于婴儿